Archive: News Story

276 Articles

News Story

Interview Series: Jennifer Woolard

January 29, 2014 – Professor Jennifer Woolard thought she wanted to be a lawyer. Her professional path may have changed, but she still helps families navigate the…

September 10, 2014

News Story

Interview Series: Jenna Finch

April 22, 2013 – When Jenna Finch arrived at Georgetown in the Fall of 2009, she thought she would study International Health   Her parents thought so too. …

September 5, 2014

News Story

Recent Graduate Awards

September 11, 2014 –  Multiple awards have been recently received by alumni of the graduate program. Dr. Leah Lozier  Dr. Leah Lozier (mentored by Dr. Marsh) was…

September 5, 2014

Faculty News
News Story

Dr. Marsh Receives Two Templeton Awards

September 11, 2014 – Dr. Abigail Marsh  has received two Templeton Awards to study altruistic behaviors. One study will examine altruism in unrelated,…

September 5, 2014

Faculty News
News Story

Dr. Green Receives National Science Foundation Award

September 12, 2014 – Professor Adam Green will lead a 3-year project, to study learning of spatial relational reasoning skills by high school students, looking at…

September 5, 2014

News Story

Brain Regions for Empathy Less Active in Youths with Psychopathic Traits

Psychology professor Abigail Marsh finds that young people with psychopathic traits have less activity in regions of the brain associated with.…

June 20, 2013