Student Resources

Undergraduate psychology majors and minors can, in addition to their coursework, seek out a variety of opportunities and resources in the department. These include research assistantships, internships, student peer facilitator roles, and membership in Psi Chi, the psychology honors society (for majors only).


Academic Resource Center (ARC)

355 Leavey Center; (202) 687-8354

The ARC offers disability support, study skills workshops and individual consultations for students experiencing academic issues. The ARC works with students who need accommodations for chronic health, physical, cognitive, and psychological conditions. The ARC strives to work collaboratively with the academic deans’ offices, faculty, and other University offices to ensure that students receive the necessary support to achieve their personal, academic, and professional goals.

Hoyas Connected

Hoyas Connected is a new initiative that was launched by the Psychology Department in Fall 2023. Hoyas Connected trains select undergraduates as facilitators to co-lead small groups of 1st-year, 2nd-year, and transfer students in weekly discussions and activities centered around explorations of trust, relationship-building, and identity. The program, first developed at the University of Virginia, has been shown to have particularly strong benefits for students from underrepresented communities. The program is an excellent opportunity for students looking to form new or deeper relationships, understand themselves better, grow their interpersonal skills, help bridge differences with others, or feel a better sense of connection with Georgetown. Facilitator roles may be particularly relevant to students seeking experience related to clinical psychology or counseling. Any first-year, second-year, or transfer student is invited to enroll in the groups via the 1-credit PSYC 3750 Hoyas Connected class. Students looking to apply to become facilitators must be able to make a two-semester commitment and should contact Professor Andrea Bonior (, the Director of Hoyas Connected.

Jobs and Research Opportunities

Research Opportunities

For opportunities relating to undergraduate research, please visit the research section of our undergraduate handbook. Additionally, many paid research positions for the summer or as a post-bacc opportunity are posted for students on our Canva department page (which they are automatically added to once they declare a Psychology major or minor). Finally, the PsychResearchList website can be accessed to look for internships, graduate school resources, and post-bacc jobs.

Cawley Career Education Center

The undergraduate Cawley Career Center offers drop-in, industry advising, career exploration, and mock interview appointments to ensure you are supported in charting your career. Appointments can be scheduled through Handshake.

Graduate Career Center

Similar to the undergraduate Cawley Career Center, the Graduate Career Center offers opportunities to meet with a career coachcareer exploration tools, and general resources for graduate school.


Handshake is a platform for all Georgetown students and alumni that allows you to search for current openings in Georgetown’s job and internship database. By using filters and key words, you can optimize your job and internship search. Handshake allows you to reach out to employers directly and receive communication from recruiters based on a position’s match with your profile. Career-related events are posted on the Handshake calendar and open for registration through the site.

Professional Associations

Conference experiences and professional associations such as Psi Chi membership, allow undergraduate students to create a vast network of contacts and experiences pivotal to career development. Possibilities for undergraduate research presentation include external conferences and the annual Georgetown University Colloquium on Research in the Social Sciences and Humanities which takes place in the Spring through GUROP, which you can find more on visiting the research section of our undergraduate handbook.

Student Health

Counseling and Psychiatric Service (CAPS)

1 Darnall Hall (back of the building); (202) 687-6985

CAPS offers a variety of counseling and psychiatric services to students. Evaluations, consultations, and group therapy are free of charge. For ongoing treatment, there is a modest fee of $10 per psychotherapy visit and $15 per psychiatry visit. CAPS will work with students to overcome any financial barriers to treatment.

Health Education Services (HES)

1437 37th St. NW, Poulton Hall, Suite 101; (202) 687-8949

HES offers confidential resources to students around the issues of pregnancy, alcohol and drug use, sexual health, eating disorders and disturbances, sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking, stress management, and general health promotion. All services are FREE and confidential.

Student Health Center

Main Campus: Ground Floor, Darnall Hall; (202) 687-2200
Law School Campus: Gewirz Student Center, Lower Level Suite LL102; (202) 662-9255

The MedStar/Georgetown Student Health Center, with offices on the main campus and at the law center, offers confidential services on all health matters, including health education.

Student Outreach and Support (SOS)

530 Leavey Center; (202) 687-4056

SOS works with colleagues across campus to organize outreach and follow-up care to students who are experiencing crisis or distress that impacts their social, personal and/or academic stability.


Center for Multicultural Equity and Access (CMEA)

5th Floor Leavey Center; (202) 687-4054

The CMEA enhances the education of students historically denied access to Georgetown University because of their race or ethnicity. The CMEA provides mentoring, multicultural programming, diversity education, and academic support. You may stop by in person or contact the office by phone.

GUPD and Bias Reporting

Through the Bias Incident Reporting Form (found on the website) or calls to the Georgetown University Police Department (202-687-4343), Georgetown is able to track and review hate and bias-related incidents. Reporting the incident may lead to an investigation, following which the University can hold the accused accountable for their acts. Incidents of hate and bias involving email, online harassment, or other forms of internet abuse should be reported to University Information Services (UIS) at (202) 687-4949.

Sexual Misconduct

The faculty members of the Department of Psychology were appalled and outraged to read about the alleged abusive behavior of Fr. Daniel O’Connell, S.J., who taught Psychology courses from 1988 to 1998.  Although most of the current members of the Psychology Department were hired after Fr. O’Connell’s departure, none of us know of any incidences or reports of abusive behavior by Fr. O’Connell during his time at Georgetown, and we certainly did not know about any allegations against and legal settlements in connection with him when he was invited to give a seminar at Georgetown in 2008.

We are grateful for the courage of the women from St. Louis University and Fordham who reported that they had been abused and we were saddened, angered, and disappointed that Fr. O’Connell spent a part of his professional career as a member of our community. We categorically condemn any abusive behavior and stand in solidarity with survivors. 

As teachers and mentors, the welfare of our students is our foremost priority.  We reiterate this commitment and continue our efforts to serve students with the highest standards of professional conduct.

Georgetown has a number of fully confidential professional resources that can provide support and assistance to survivors of sexual assault and other forms of sexual misconduct. 

These resources include:

Jen Schweer, MA, LPC
Associate Director of Health Education Services for Sexual Assault Response and Prevention
(202) 687-0323

Erica Shirley, Trauma Specialist
Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS)
(202) 687-6985

More information about campus resources and reporting sexual misconduct can be found at

Title IX

Darnall Hall, Suite M-36; (202) 687-4798

The Title IX Coordinators help provide a safe educational and work environment to students and employees as they provide information about on- and off-campus resources, explain the University’s formal complaint process, help individuals navigate through the University’s systems, and monitor the University’s climate with respect to sexual misconduct.