Undergraduate Program

The Department of Psychology offers undergraduate students both a major (31 credits) and a minor (18 credits). Both are designed to expose students to the range of perspectives that make up modern academic psychology: historical and theoretical perspectives; psychological development; and social, cultural, clinical, cognitive, and biological approaches. A complete statement of the program’s learning goals can be found in the Undergraduate Handbook.


Undergraduate courses are taught by faculty accomplished in both theoretical and empirical research. Upper-level seminars are also offered by senior graduate students. Students receive a strong foundation in research methods for the social sciences while enjoying the flexibility to choose from different subfields of psychology.

Honors Program

The Department’s Honors Program provides qualified students with intensive, hands-on research experience working closely with faculty mentors.

Research Assistantships

All undergraduates are encouraged to seek research assistantships with faculty members whose research interests them. Our undergraduate research assistants are currently working in faculty labs on a variety of projects, including infant learning from screen media, cultural studies of emotion, and procedural justice with juvenile offenders.

Extracurricular Involvement

Classroom learning is augmented by stimulating extracurricular involvement. Undergraduate psychology majors and minors are actively involved in the department, which organizes social and informational activities for students throughout the academic year. The Psychology Department also hosts a Chapter of Psi Chi, the National Psychology Honor Society. Psi Chi organizes community service and internship opportunities for members while maintaining a strong emphasis on academic scholarship.

Still Have Questions?

For more information about Georgetown University’s Undergraduate Program, please contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies, Professor Deborah Stearns.

Are You on the Psychology Listserv and Canvas site?

If you are a major or minor and not on our listserv and/or Canvas site, please email the department to be added to the list.