Additional Opportunities

Research Experiences

If you are interested in pursuing a career in psychology, it is vital to gain research experience. Most graduate schools are interested in students who have more than an average amount of research experience. There are a number of ways for you to obtain this type of experience. Please review the Research Opportunities section of our website which details such opportunities. In addition, information about outside opportunities is posted on our Psychology Canvas site and on our Majors and Minors Listserv; if you find that you are not on the Canvas site and/or listserv, please email Bonnie Ginsberg. Please be sure to give your full name and the e-mail address that you wish messages to be sent.

Undergraduate Student Funding

Psychology majors can apply for small amounts of need-based funding to support research or other professional development activities.  Typically, such funding requests will not exceed $250 and will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis.  If interested in applying for funding, students should contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies, Professor Deborah C. Stearns, with a specific description of the funding need.  

Taking Courses at Other Universities in the D.C. Metropolitan area and United States

A large number of courses are available through other universities in the area, otherwise known as the Washington Metropolitan Area Consortium of Universities; a listing of schools in the Consortium as well as information about registering for such classes are available here. Psychology courses taken in the Consortium (or at other colleges and universities in the United States) must be approved in advance by the Director of Undergraduate Studies (or your Psychology faculty advisor) and by your Dean. Of note: Research Methods and Statistics (PSYC-2000) and courses for the seminar requirement of the Psychology major must be taken at Georgetown.

A total of 15 credits received for Psychology courses taken at other universities may be transferred and used for completion of the B.A. degree in Psychology at Georgetown University. Students should consult with the Director of Undergraduate Studies (Professor Deborah Stearns) regarding the details of transfer and equivalence of courses across universities.

Applying to Other Professional Training Programs

Many Psychology Majors and Minors wish to pursue professional training in areas other than psychology. These often include medicine, law, education, business, and many others. For detailed information on Graduate Programs in Psychology and how to go about pursuing a graduate degree in Psychology, please see the Applying to Graduate School section.

In addition to the normal degree requirements of a psychology major, some students wish to enroll in the Pre-Med program. This includes: Introductory Biology, General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Calculus, and Elementary Physics. If you wish to apply to medical school, it is important that you consult with a Dean of the College.

Study Abroad

Each year, students can take advantage of study abroad programs by spending a semester or year abroad. There are a great many educational opportunities connected with these programs. Study abroad provides a valuable and unforgettable educational experience. Majors may transfer up to 2 courses for a semester abroad and up to 4 courses for a year abroad. Minors may transfer up to 2 courses for either a semester or year abroad. One-semester programs are preferred over full-year programs. Speak with your faculty advisor, ​with the Director of Undergraduate Studies (Professor Deborah Stearns)​,​ or ​with the ​Dean of the College, as soon as you begin to think about study abroad. Remember that before you go abroad, your program must have the written approval of the Dean of the College and your advisor and/or ​the Director of Undergraduate Studies. You will need to bring in course descriptions and syllabi, if you have them, in order to pre-approve your transfer courses. This pre-approval is, however, only provisional approval. Students receive final approval only after they submit full syllabi (including reading lists, assignment descriptions, and a schedule of topics covered) following the completion of their study abroad program. Courses are evaluated based on their psychological content, academic rigor, and degree of overlap with other Psychology courses already completed by the student. If a course is a close match with one of the Area A or B courses, we can evaluate it and provide Area credit should the course be deemed a close substitute. Individual research projects may be transferable as electives provided that such projects are credited as being courses at the host university. Please refer to Georgetown University College of Arts & Sciences’ Study Abroad section on their website.​

The Georgetown Chapter of Psi Chi

Psi Chi is an organization dedicated to the advancement of the science of psychology. Membership is open to graduate and undergraduate psychology students who meet eligibility criteria. For more information, please refer to our Psi Chi page.

Careers in Psychology

Many students are concerned about the career opportunities available in psychology. Advisors can be very helpful in selecting realistic career goals. Students should also plan to do some reading on their own. Job and internship information and notices of other opportunities are sent via email from the Psychology Listserv. In addition, the librariescareer center, and the internet provide further reference on graduate programs and careers in psychology.

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