Psi Chi

Psi Chi is an organization dedicated to the advancement of the science of psychology. Membership is open to undergraduate psychology students who meet eligibility criteria.

The Georgetown Chapter of Psi Chi, directed by Professor Jessica Chiang, is focused on engaging students with the faculty, with research, with other students, and with their community. Each year Psi Chi sponsors several annual events such as the Academic Career Panel and Non-Academic Career Panel. They have also hosted a research lab open house, book drives, movie nights, speakers, and study breaks. Many of the students in Psi Chi also pursue Honors and develop an Honors Thesis with a Psychology faculty member. There are a variety of fellowships and awards available to Psi Chi members that support their research and attendance at conferences. Not all Psi Chi members continue to pursue Psychology in graduate school, but all look upon the experience as formative in their undergraduate career.
Students and faculty are elected to membership by the chapter at the institution, according to the provisions in the national Psi Chi Constitution. Any chapter, at its discretion, may establish higher academic standards for eligibility, but may not require service standards for eligibility. Membership in Psi Chi is open to qualified candidates of any age, sex, sexual orientation, race, handicap or disability, color, religion, and national and ethnic origin. 

Eligibility Requirements

Applying to Psi Chi

Each year, eligible students will be invited to apply to become a member of Psi Chi in August and applications will be accepted and reviewed through September. The application involves completing and submitting a membership application here. Once on the page, read the qualifications and select “Apply Now”. Choose “Georgetown University” from the Local Chapter drop-down menu and fill out the application including your name, your Georgetown email address, and student ID number. At the bottom of the page, check the box authorizing the faculty advisor (me) to review your records for eligibility. Finally, add your name/signature and select “Submit”. There is also a one-time $75 membership fee.