Undergraduate Research FAQ

Point of Contact

Prof. Deborah Stearns, Director of Undergraduate Studies, stearndc@georgetown.edu.Lab directors and major and minor advisors may also be contacted. For more information see Psychology research opportunities page.

For any questions about research opportunities and how to get involved, please contact Colin Liau, Undergraduate Research Liaison, cml351@georgetown.edu .

Philosophy of research

Research usually takes the form of data review, exploratory work, or a combination of the two.

How to get started

Students are informed about research through advising and information sessions. All majors must complete a research methods course and two seminars involving an advanced research project. The Psychology department has third level research experience based learning (REBL) courses where students can earn 1, 2, or 3 credits based on the complexity and time commitment and experience of the students. The credits can be bundled and count as electives for up to 6 credits. Students can also take a 1 year 3 credit honors course.

To see an overview of the research currently conducted in the Psychology Department (and beyond) and find out how to apply for a research position, please click HERE. There is also a lab matching tool that allows students to find a possible match for their interests. Go to the lab matching tool . Advisors let students know about research opportunities and there are major and minor declaration sessions that are required that include information about the research page.

How to get connected with a faculty mentor

There is a lab matching tool that allows students to find a possible match for their interests. Go to the lab matching tool. Advisors let students know about research opportunities and there are major and minor declaration sessions that are required that include information about the research page.

Earning credit for undergraduate research

Students receive credit for the honors seminar and REBL 1, 2, and 3 credit options in addition to tutorials.

Getting paid for research

If a student is doing a GUROP they can earn work study which is normally discussed at the time of admission to the lab or they can be hired and paid as an undergraduate RA via HoyaWorks.

Recognizing that lack of funding may be a significant barrier for some students to get research experience, the Psychology Department offers several paid Summer Research Fellowships.

Thesis or capstone research

Students can take a capstone project which in the Psychology Department is tied to the honors degree and counts as a seminar.

Summer opportunities

It is also possible to apply for summer funding via Georgetown Summer funding or the Psychology Fellowship or psi chi honors society to gain a more intensive research experience or to earn additional REBL credits. For more information see summer opportunities at our research opportunities page.