Summer Research Fellowships

Applications Invited – Psychology Department Summer Research Fellowships

The Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Committee at the Georgetown Psychology Department is excited to announce the 2024 Summer Research Fellowships. 

Want to know what previous summer research fellows have to say about their experiences? Check out our testimonials page.


These fellowships are intended to:


Recipients will:


Applications are typically due in the Fall semester for the following summer and will be announced by email to all current Psychology majors. Due dates for applications will be announced soon.

Who Can Apply? 

Students who meet the following criteria are eligible to apply:

What You Need to Apply

To apply, you will be asked to submit two brief statements:

  1. Statement of Purpose answering the following three questions:
    • What are your short-term professional goals (next 1-2 years)? 
    • What are your long-term professional goals? 
    • Given your goals, what are you looking to learn/develop/get out of your summer fellowship experience?
  2. Statement of Fit describing why you are a good candidate given the purpose of the fellowship, such as challenges and barriers you have faced and/or your contributions to diversity. Your statement may address any and all of the following, as well as other related factors as you see fit:
    1. personal experiences and challenges;
    2. socioeconomic background;  
    3. demonstrated ability and commitment to develop and support diversity and cultural understanding;
    4. cultural or family background (e.g., first-generation or first-in-family college student; race, ethnicity or DACA status; parental level of education or income; and region of residence or high school attended).

What You Do Not Need to Apply

The purpose of the fellowship is to lower barriers to gaining research experience. Accordingly, unlike many other internships and summer projects, applicants for this fellowship:

How to Apply

  1. Take a look at the list of mentors and projects and identify projects/mentors you are interested in.
  2. Submit your application using this online form.


Please review the FAQ below and contact Dr. Kostadin Kushlev (, Chair of the DEIB committee, if you have any further questions. 

What would my schedule look like? 

As part of this fellowship, you will spend about 140 (for part-time fellowship) to 280 (for full-time fellowship) hours in the lab (this would include lab work, but also meetings with your mentor and the lab). The way you distribute these hours is flexible. For example, for the full-time fellowship, you can work 20 hours for 14 weeks, 28 hours/week for 10 weeks, or 40 hours/week for 7 weeks. Talk to your mentor to develop a schedule that works best for you. 

Depending on the lab, your assigned tasks may include collecting and coding and analyzing data, searching for research articles, and recruiting and testing participants. You will also attend lab meetings and meet with your mentor. 

Can I consider multiple prospective mentors? 

We encourage you to talk to all faculty that offer projects that are of interest to you. If you can see yourself working for more than one lab, mention these labs in your application. If you are selected for the fellowship, you will be asked to select one lab. If you work with a mentor not mentioned on the list (or are considering one), let us know. 

Will I need to be in DC to participate? 

Research opportunities offer flexibility. Talk to your prospective mentor(s) to determine whether virtual and hybrid options may be an option for you. 

How do I approach faculty members? Would this time frame give them enough time to connect with me? 

All faculty members on the list have agreed to be contacted. Do not hesitate to approach them. See sample language for contacting faculty about research opportunities below:

Subject: Prospective Mentee-Psy Summer Research Fellowship

Dear Dr. X, 

My name is X, and I am a [sophomore/junior/senior] psychology [major/minor]. I would like to apply to work in your lab as a Psychology Summer Research Fellow. I would appreciate an opportunity to talk to you. This week, my schedule is as follows: ______. 

Thank you so much for your time and I look forward to hearing from you!
