Emily Kramer

Concentration: Human Development and Public Policy

Mentor: Dr. Rachel Barr

Office: 311A  White-Gravenor Hall

Email: ekk65@georgetown.edu

Emily Kramer (she/her) is a first-year Ph.D. student mentored by Dr. Rachel Barr. Before starting graduate school, Emily graduated with Highest Honors from UC Davis in 2023 with a B.S. in Cognitive Science. There, she was a research assistant in Dr. Lisa Oakes’ Infant Cognition Lab , where she wrote her honors thesis on the role of spatial play experience and age on young children’s play performance with puzzles. During her gap year, she was a lab manager in Dr. Marianella Casasola’s Cornell Play and Learning Lab . Emily is broadly interested in researching parent-infant interactions through play and technology in the Georgetown Early Learning Project .