News Story

Psi Chi Spring Term Lecture

March 29, 2016 – Dr. Kent Norman will be visiting from the University of Maryland to give this year’s Psi Chi spring term lecture. The talk will be on Tuesday, April 19th at 5:15 in Healy 104

Title: Video Games: Why Psychologists Should Be Interested

Summary: In 1983, Loftus and Loftus published a book, “The Mind at Play:  The Psychology of Video Games” discussing the cognitive and social aspects of video games. Then psychologists went to sleep for twenty years.  Now the video game industry is bigger than movies and music combined and video games occupy more cognitive time than academics among students.  This talk will focus on the social and cognitive benefits of video games as well as the factors of immersion and engagement. My lab has been studying the psychological aspects of video games for the last 10 years and my course on the “Psychology of Video Games” touches nearly every topic of interest near and dear to psychologists.

You can find this event on the GU Events Page !