Hoyas Connected


The Connection Project: Hoyas Connected is an initiative begun on Georgetown University’s campus in Fall 2023, based off of The Connection Project, a highly successful and empirically-based program established at The University of Virginia. Its overarching goal is to increase a sense of belongingness on campus. Hoyas Connected trains select undergraduates as facilitators to co-lead small groups of 1st-year, 2nd-year, and transfer students in a 1-credit pass/fail class that consists of weekly discussions and activities centered around explorations of what brings us together and what may keep us apart. Taking the 1-credit class is an excellent opportunity for students looking to form new or deeper relationships, understand themselves better, grow their interpersonal skills, help bridge differences with others, and feel a better sense of connection with Georgetown. Becoming a facilitator is a 2-semester commitment for course credit that involves didactic content and practical training, along with supervision of group facilitation, and is particularly relevant for students seeking experience in leadership roles, clinical or counseling psychology, or the helping professions. The Hoyas Connected program is run through the Department of Psychology and is directed by Professor Andrea Bonior. 


Hoyas Connected groups meet weekly as a 1-credit class, but the meetings are unlike most typical classroom experiences. There are no lectures or tests, and no two weeks of Hoyas Connected meetings are alike, though they all follow an established curriculum that has been shown to increase connection while helping decrease stress and loneliness. From laughing over a fast-paced game of “Would You Rather,” to debating about the meaning of trust, from bringing in something from your room for Show and Tell to discussing what makes up our identities, our most meaningful life challenges, and what barriers to connection exist at Georgetown, Hoyas Connected groups are all about being ready to have interesting conversations. 


“This was a fantastic experience for me– the friendly environment did a lot to make people feel more connected to each other.” –Hoyas Connected participant

“I felt like I could talk in the group without judgment, which was very welcome.” — Hoyas Connected participant 

“This was one of the best ways that I felt like I truly got to know other students beyond just the superficial”. –Hoyas Connected participant

Hoyas Connected has allowed me to connect with so many amazing people. I feel much more confident in my communication and interpersonal skills after the semester of training, and I was able to apply those skills while co-facilitating. But the biggest takeaway was the satisfaction I felt after watching so many friendships blossom between members of my groups. I wish I could go back and do it again! –Hoyas Connected facilitator 


Participating in a Hoyas Connected Group

Hoyas Connected groups are open to all undergraduates who are in their first year or second year. It is also open to new transfer students of any year. This class is available for self-enrollment as Psychology 3750: Hoyas Connected, and is 1-credit, Pass/Fail, available every Fall and Spring semester. Please note that this class does not count toward the psychology major. Groups are generally capped at 10 participants, and meetings are once per week, either on a Monday or Tuesday, late afternoon or evening. Credit is received through a commitment to attend every week and being willing to engage with group discussion and activities. The very first class meeting of every semester is a larger group meeting with all Hoyas Connected sections from that day, where Professor Bonior will explain the details of the program, answer questions, and introduce the facilitators. And much like a small Hoyas Connected group meeting, there’ll be more than a bit of fun as well!

Becoming a Hoyas Connected Facilitator 

Hoyas Connected welcomes all applicants past their first-year Fall semester as potential facilitators. Though many facilitators are particularly interested in psychology and the practical training that the program provides, all majors are welcome. A potential facilitator must make the commitment of two consecutive semesters to the program. The two-semester pathway consists of two graded courses for credit: Group Process and Facilitation 1, a 3-credit course that meets twice a week, and Group Process and Facilitation 2, which involves co-leading 1 or 2 Hoyas Connected groups and meeting for supervision once a week. This latter course counts for 2 or 3 credits for a facilitator, depending on whether they run one or two Hoyas Connected groups (subject to availability.) Group Process and Facilitation 1 and Group Process and Facilitation 2 each count as elective credit toward the psychology major, and must be taken in consecutive semesters. Both classes are taught by Professor Bonior. Please note that neither class fulfills the seminar requirement for the psychology major, nor do they fulfill the major’s Area A or Area B requirement. 

Every semester, a talented and diverse group of facilitators is selected through an application and interview process. Applications are solicited every October (for Spring registration in Group Process and Facilitation 1) and March (for Fall registration). Though there are no prerequisites for facilitators, applicants should demonstrate a high level of curiosity, compassion, and interpersonal skills, and be comfortable in a leadership role. Applicants who have been participants in a Hoyas Connected group as a member are particularly welcomed in the application process.

The link to the Fall application for Spring facilitators can be found here.


Please reach out to Professor Andrea Bonior if you have questions, are interested in learning more about the Hoyas Connected program, or want to apply to be a facilitator. All are welcome! We also welcome you to follow Hoyas Connected on Instagram.